Custom Actions missing in the “Perform Action” step of the workflow (Dataverse / Dynamics 365)

We might see some of the custom actions not appearing in the Actions list inside the Perform Action step of the workflow.

This is because the Custom Action would be using one of the following parameter types, which is not supported for Perform Action like

  • Picklist (Optionset)
  • Entity
  • Entity Collection

E.g. we have the following actions defined few are bound to the Contact table, some are Global, and have different types specified as either Input or output parameter.

Out of the above actions defined, we can see only the following actions listed inside the perform actions step of the workflow.

The action which has input as Entity Reference are the ones listed, as it is one of the supported types. For the unsupported types, if used as an output parameter, the actions are listed.

Hope it helps..


Enable Copilot in Customer Service and Custom Apps (Dynamics 365)

Copilot (preview) for Dynamics 365 Customer Service provides the following features –

  • Case Summary
  • Conversation Summary
  • Ask a question
  • Write an email
  • Draft a chat response.

To enable it, navgiate to Customer Service Admin Center >> Agent Experience >> Productivity >> Manage (Copilot help pane and Summaries)

Check the required Copilot help pane settings and save.

Similarly for Summaries

For geographies outside the United States, to enable the Copilot features for Customer Service, we need to send an email to with the Organization ID to enable the preview.

We can get the Organization ID from the Power Platform admin center for the environment.

As our environment was in the Australia region, we followed the same and within the next day, we got a response from Microsoft that it had been enabled in our Environment.

As per the email, the next step is to Enable copilots and generative AI features outside the US and Switzerland, for this again open the environment in the Power Platform admin center, and select Edit for Generative AI Features.

Check the Move data across regions option and enable it. (We need Global Admin or Power Platform admin role to enable it)

Once we have followed the above steps it adds the Copilot help pane in the Customer Service Hub app.

Similarly, for the Customer Service Workspace app, we can manage it in the corresponding Agent Experience profile.

Navigate to the Agent Experience >> Workspaces >> Manage (Agent Experience profiles)

We can see the Copilot AI features section (below is the out-the-box Customer Service workspace – default profile), we can accordingly update the corresponding agent experience profile(s) records configured/used for the agents.

Below we can see the Copilot help pane in the Customer Service workspace app.

Similarly to enable Copliot for custom model-driven app.

Add the Settings >> Customer Service Copilot Enabled

Set the value as Yes for the corresponding App and save the changes.

Below we can see copilot enabled for our custom Test model-driven app app

Get all the details here

Hope it helps.


Fixed – Plug-in assembly fullnames must be unique (ignoring the version build and revision number) – Dynamics 365 / Dataverse

Recently while trying to register the plugin, we got the below error

Microsoft.Crm.CrmException: Plug-in assembly fullnames must be unique (ignoring the version build and revision number). —> Microsoft.Crm.CrmException: Plug-in assembly fullnames must be unique (ignoring the version build and revision number).

It was because we were trying to register the assembly which was already registered in that environment, instead of updating it.

Also, refer –

Hope it helps.



Use Copilot to create a journey – Dynamics 365 Marketing

We can make use of Copilot to create a journey for us, using everyday conversational language.

To enable it, navigate to

Settings >> Overview >> Feature Switches >> Journey (Copilot)

Let us see it in action, by creating a new journey record.

We get the option to select predefined
examples to start with.

Here we have selected the last example “When a contact submits a marketing form, assign a phone call….”

On selecting it, we are presented with the option to specify the Trigger.

We have selected the existing Marketing Form Submitted trigger record here.

After specifying the trigger, we get the option to specify the marketing form or to leave it empty to run it for all the form submissions and also the audience type, which could be either Contact or Lead.

Clicking on Submit gives the option to review and then eventually Create Journey.

Clicking on Create Journey generates the journey for us.

We can review the journey, add any further content required, modify it, etc.

For example, we need to specify the follow-up email to be sent, before we can save and publish it.

Once we are done with defining the journey, we can publish it.

Get more details here.

Hope it helps..


Filtering Attributes for Create message – Plugin (Dataverse / Dynamics 365)

While registering a plugin step, found that we can now specify Filtering Attributes for Create message.

Check the below post for more details –


Use Sales Copilot to get the latest news for customers/accounts through Bing (Dynamics 365)

Sales Copilot can be used to get the latest news for the company or account associated to the Lead, Opportunity, Contact, or Account form. We can also use the prompt “Get latest news for account” and either specify and account record or choose one of the account record listed.

Allow data movement across regions in the Power Platform Admin Center using Enable copilots and generative AI features outside United States and Switzerland – Power Platform | Microsoft Learn

To enable Sales Copilot, navigate to

Sales Hub >> App Settings >> Sales Copilot (preview) >> Set up Sales Copilot

Or if we have already enabled it, we can manage the features provided along with the different apps we want to apply the Sales Copilot using the Manage apps option.

Here we can specify to which apps we want to enable the feature.

Once enabled we can see the “Get latest news related to account” command in the Sales Copilot chat.

Below is the result we get on triggering that command.

We get the same command for the Opportunity, Contact, and Account form.

We can use the command “Show more in Bing” to open the Bing Search Results.

Below we can see the results in Bing

Get all the details here

Hope it helps..
