Force Sync users from Azure AD Security Group / Microsoft 365 Group to Dataverse environment – Power Automate

For Microsoft 365 Group we can use – List Group members action of Office 365 Group connector.

Also check –

Hope it helps..

ILMerge / Dependent Assemblies in Plugin – System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly ‘System.Memory.Data’ – Dynamics 365 / Dataverse

Recently in one of our Plugins, which was using Azure.Storage.Blobs and Azure.Storage.Common libraries to move attachments from notes to Azure Blob Storage suddenly started throwing the below exception. The Plugin had been working fine and had been deployed long back to the production environment.

System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for ‘Azure.Response’ threw an exception. —> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly ‘System.Memory.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

We raised the Microsoft Support for it and were informed that the reason for this was there was a platform update over that particular weekend to stop loading the “System.Memory.Data” assembly on the plugin server. And as we hadn’t included that assembly in our package (ILMerge), we started getting the exception.

Also as per Microsoft Docs

So the quick fix at that time was to include (set Copy Local as True) for that System.Memory.Data along with Azure assemblies.

Also now we can look into using Plugin Package to package the dependent assemblies.

Hope it helps..


The plug-in execution failed because the Sandbox Worker process crashed. This is typically due to an error in the plug-in code – Dataverse / Dynamics 365

Recently we got the below exception for one of our plugins.

Message: The plug-in execution failed because the Sandbox Worker process crashed. This is typically due to an error in the plug-in code. Please refer to this document:
Microsoft.Xrm.RemotePlugin.Grpc.ExceptionHandlers.SandboxFabricWorkerCommunicationException: Error communicating with SandboxFabric Worker —> Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode=”DeadlineExceeded”, Detail=”Deadline Exceeded”

If we refer to Microsoft Documentation below seems to be the cause of the issue in our case.

In our scenario, we had a Plugin that was Asynchronous and it was triggered on the Post Update of Work Order Service task. The plugin will fetch all the attachments (to notes associated with inspection attachments > inspection response > work order service task). There were many Service Tasks having more than 20 attachments exceeding 100 mb size total.

We were doing bulk updates which triggered the plugin creating too many requests eventually leading to that error.

Get more details – Error “Sandbox Worker Process Crashed”

Also, check –

Hope it helps..


Analyzing PowerApps Canvas and Model-Driven Apps Performance

Analyzing PowerApps Canvas and Model-Driven Apps Performance

Transitioning from Unmanaged to Managed Solution (Dynamics 365 / Dataverse)

Microsoft has always recommended managed solution(s), apart from the some of benefits that managed solutions offer over unmanaged, Microsoft is also adding features to the managed solution, making it easy for teams to adopt and transition to Managed solutions, like focusing on making the solution import faster and adding ALM-specific features to it.

Let us take a simple example to see it working –

Suppose we have 2 environments, a Test and a Managed environment.

The test environment has 2 unmanaged solutions from different publisher that is already deployed to the target environment as unmanaged.



Ideally, we should be creating 2 copies of production environments, one for creating the new unmanaged solution (s) containing the components to be converted to managed and the other environment where the unmanaged solution (s) will be converted to managed and will be used for testing and validation.

Ref – Dynamics 365 FastTrack Architecture Insights – ALM Transitioning from Unmanaged to Managed Solutions

Now let us create a new unmanaged solution in the source environment that will combine the components we have in Pub 1 and Pub 2 unmanaged solutions.

Here we can use the wonderful XrmToolBox plugin – Solutions Components Mover.

Select source solutions and the target solution (combined) in our case, and click on Copy Components.

Here we have selected all the component types.

Back in our TestEnv, we can see the components of the solution added from Pub 1 and Pub 2 solutions to the combined solution.

Let us export the combined solution as managed.

The other way to create the combined solution would be to “Include all objects” for unmanaged components like custom tables. For managed components, like out-of-the-box tables lead, contact, case, etc, we’d only select the components customized.

Run the below command, to connect to the destination (managedenv) environment.

Run the below command, to convert the unmanaged solution to managed.–convert-to-managed–cm

We can see the managed solution imported successfully to our target environment.

For quick reference –



Unmanaged solutions are intended to be used in the development environment.

Managed solutions are intended to be distributed and installed.

Unmanaged solutions can be exported either as managed or unmanaged.

Managed solutions cannot be exported

Components can be directly edited within an unmanaged solution.

Components inside the managed solutions cannot be edited directly. Editing can only be done in the corresponding unmanaged solution or an additional unmanaged solution in dev and then exported and imported as managed in the target environment.

The unmanaged solution can be seen as the source code

A managed solution can be seen as a compiled code.

Deleting an unmanaged solution only deletes the solution container, all unmanaged customizations remain in effect and are applied to the default solution of the environment

Deleting a managed solution removes the customizations from the environment.




Unmanaged solutions allow for real-time customization directly within the environment.

The managed solution secures the solution components in the environment, by restricting the user from making changes or removing components from it.

Developers can make changes on the fly without the need for importing/exporting solutions

Ability to uninstall/roll back. In case of issues or undesired changes, managed solutions make it easier to roll back to a previous version. This can be crucial for maintaining system stability and ensuring minimal disruption to ongoing operations


The managed solution supports layering allowing multiple solutions to be installed simultaneously without conflicts.


Clearly defined component ownership in the case of multiple publishers/solutions.


Improved solution import performance with reduced performance impact on the environment.

Check the below links for more details

Hope it helps..


Preferred Solution (preview) in Dataverse / Dynamics 365

With the preferred solution (preview), now we can specify a solution to which all our changes, that are made outside of the context of the unmanaged solution, should get automatically added.

To enable it, navigate to Settings >> Features >> Preferred solution (Preview)

Inside the Maker Portal, now we can see a new section added, asking us to specify the preferred solution, and we can see Common Data Services Default solution set as the preferred solution as default.

We can click on Manage to specify any of the existing unmanaged solutions as the preferred solution or to create a new solution.

Here we have set one of the solutions as the preferred solution.

Now let us add an update existing table outside the context of the solution. Here we are updating its form by rearranging some of the fields in it.

We have moved the Fax field to be the last field in that General Information section and have published the changes.

Back in our preferred solution, we can see the form we updated, automatically added.

Similarly, any other changes, i.e. any solution components added or updated, outside the context of the unmanaged solution, will be added to the preferred solution. (apart from changing the Default Solution where all the solution components reside).

Also, other users/makers can specify their preferred solution.

To add the cloud flows or canvas apps, created outside the context of the solution, in the preferred solution, we can enable the below features.

Here we have created this sample flow from outside the solution and also a canvas app.

We can see them added to our preferred solution.

Get all the details here

Hope it helps..
